Austin Wheatley
5 Pleasing Mowing Patterns to Try this Summer
Nothing quite boosts curb appeal or helps in keeping your property looking neat and tidy like a freshly mowed lawn. While mowing straight lines into your lawn may have always been your go-to technique, lawn patterns are a way to help make your lawn stand out. But switching up your mowing pattern is also beneficial to the health of your lawn. When you constantly following the same pattern, over time you can compact your grass and make it more difficult for it to grow. At the very least, you should switch the direction that you cut each time so that you’re reducing the impact that your mower tires have on your lawn.
Of course, beyond just switching directions, you can have some fun with lawn mowing patterns. Certain patterns also have the added benefit of potentially hiding irregularities or even an area of damage on your lawn.
Here are 5 mowing patterns that you might want to consider this summer.
1. Stripes
Mowing stripes into your lawn is probably the simplest of the patterns but can really give your lawn a clean and manicured look. The key is in using a mower attachment called a roller. To create a striped lawn, start by taking care of mowing the perimeter for a clean edge. Then, using the attached roller, mow back and forth from one end to another. The roller simply works by bending grass blades in opposite directions changing the way in which the sunlight reflects off of your lawn.
2. Checkerboard
A checkerboard pattern takes your mowing skills a step up from striped rows. You begin with stripes but then create a second set of stripes that are perpendicular to the first for that checkerboard look. You’ll need to complete slow and deliberate turns at the end of each row for a clean look. You can finish off your checkerboard by making one last pass around the perimeter for a manicured edge.
3. Diamond
A diamond pattern is also created by mowing stripes. Similar to the checkerboard pattern, you’ll then run a second pass. However, instead of making those second lines perpendicular, you should make them diagonal to the first set to create a diamond shape.
4. Circular Shapes
If you’re looking for something a bit different, you might want to try mowing a circular pattern. Cutting in concentric circles is an efficient mowing pattern because all of your turns are made in the same direction. A circular cut also looks great around trees or rounded flower bed areas. Some homeowners like to use circles around these features and straight lines for the rest of their lawn. Again, the key will be using that roller attachment to bend the grass blades.
5. Waves
For something really unique, you might want to try a wave pattern. First, mow a stripe but in a smooth and curving pattern. After that, you should be able to use that wave as a guide to align the rest of your waves. Keep it smooth and consistent by working slowly and deliberately. This is one of those patterns that could look messy if you’re not careful to remain consistent and follow the initial pattern over and over.
Mow with a Pro
Hopefully these mowing patterns provide you some ideas if you handle your mowing on your own. While Taylor Anthony 365 does not offer mowing patterns at this time, we felt these ideas might be informative for our clients who do handle DIY mowing.
Of course, if mowing is a task that you are eager to allow a professional to take over, we do offer mowing services that will help take the stress and burden off of you. That can mean more time enjoying your property and less time worrying about the maintenance of it.

Austin Wheatley